PHP Code: Download File from Source URL

This article provides multiple PHP code examples to download a file from a source URL. These examples include using functions like file_get_contents, copy, etc.

There are several ways to download a file from a source URL in PHP, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the specific use case. Here are some differences between the most common methods:

  1. file_get_contents: This function reads the contents of a file into a string. It's a simple and convenient way to download a file from a URL and can be used for small files. However, it may not be suitable for large files as it loads the entire file into memory at once.

  2. copy: This function copies the file from the source URL to a local file. It's another simple and convenient way to download a file from a URL and is suitable for files of any size. However, it may not work if the PHP configuration does not allow URL file access.

  3. fopen, fread, and fwrite: These are lower-level functions for reading and writing files in chunks. They allow for more control over the download process and are suitable for large files, as they read and write the file in chunks rather than loading the entire file into memory at once. However, they are more complex to use than the previous methods.

  4. cURL: This is a library for transferring data using various protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and others. It's a powerful and flexible option for downloading files, and can handle more complex scenarios such as authentication and headers. However, it's also more complex to use than the previous methods.

  5. readfile: This function outputs the contents of a file to the browser, with the appropriate headers for downloading. It's a simple and convenient way to allow users to download files, but may not be suitable for large files as it loads the entire file into memory at once.

Overall, the best method for downloading a file from a source URL depends on the specific use case, such as the size of the file, the need for control over the download process, and the need for additional features such as authentication and headers.

Here's an example PHP code for downloading a file from a source URL using the file_get_contents function:

// URL of the file to download
$url = '';

// Path and filename to save the file as
$local_file = 'downloads/file.pdf';

// Download file using file_get_contents
if (file_put_contents($local_file, file_get_contents($url))) {
    echo "File downloaded successfully!";
} else {
    echo "File downloading failed.";

This code first sets the URL of the file to download and the path and filename to save the file as. It then uses the file_get_contents function to read the contents of the file into a string and the file_put_contents function to save the string to a local file. The if statement checks whether the file was downloaded successfully and outputs a message accordingly.

To download a file from a source URL using the copy function in PHP, you can use the following code:

 $sourceUrl = ''; // replace with your source URL
$destinationPath = '/path/to/destination/file.pdf'; // replace with your destination path

if (copy($sourceUrl, $destinationPath)) {
    echo 'File downloaded successfully.';
} else {
    echo 'File download failed.';

In this code, copy($sourceUrl, $destinationPath) copies the file from the source URL to the local file specified by $destinationPath. The if statement checks whether the copy was successful and outputs a message accordingly.

Note that the PHP configuration may need to allow URL file access for copy to work with a source URL. Additionally, you may need to set appropriate file permissions for the destination file to allow the download.

To download a file from a source URL using fopen, fread, and fwrite functions in PHP, you can use the following code:

 $sourceUrl = ''; // replace with your source URL
$destinationPath = '/path/to/destination/file.pdf'; // replace with your destination path

$remoteFile = fopen($sourceUrl, 'rb');
if ($remoteFile === false) {
    echo 'Error opening remote file.';

$localFile = fopen($destinationPath, 'wb');
if ($localFile === false) {
    echo 'Error opening local file.';

while (!feof($remoteFile)) {
    $buffer = fread($remoteFile, 8192);
    if ($buffer === false) {
        echo 'Error reading from remote file.';

    $bytesWritten = fwrite($localFile, $buffer);
    if ($bytesWritten === false) {
        echo 'Error writing to local file.';

echo 'File downloaded successfully.';

In this code, fopen is used to open the source URL and the local file for reading and writing, respectively. fread is used to read data from the remote file, while fwrite is used to write the data to the local file.

Note that the while loop reads and writes the file in chunks, which can improve performance for large files. The feof function is used to check whether the end of the remote file has been reached.

Also, keep in mind that the PHP configuration may need to allow URL file access for this code to work with a source URL. Additionally, you may need to set appropriate file permissions for the destination file to allow the download.

To download a file from a source URL using cURL functions in PHP, you can use the following code:

// URL of the file to download
$url = '';

// Destination file path and name
$dest = '/path/to/destination/';

// Initialize a CURL session
$ch = curl_init();

// Set the URL of the file to download
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

// Set the destination file path and name
$fp = fopen($dest, 'w');

// Set the file pointer as the output stream of the CURL session
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);

// Execute the CURL session

// Close the file pointer

// Close the CURL session

In this example, we first set the URL of the file to download and the destination file path and name. We then initialize a CURL session using curl_init(), set the URL of the file to download using curl_setopt(), and set the destination file path and name using fopen(). We also set the file pointer as the output stream of the CURL session using curl_setopt(). Finally, we execute the CURL session using curl_exec(), close the file pointer using fclose(), and close the CURL session using curl_close().

To download a file from a source URL using  readfile() functions in PHP, you can use the following code:

// URL of the file to download
$url = '';

// Destination file path and name
$dest = '/path/to/destination/';

// Download the file using readfile()
if (readfile($url, false, stream_context_create(['ssl' => ['verify_peer' => false]])) === false) {
    // Handle the error
    die('Error downloading file.');

// Rename the downloaded file
if (rename(basename($url), $dest) === false) {
    // Handle the error
    die('Error renaming file.');

In this example, we first set the URL of the file to download and the destination file path and name. We then call readfile() to download the file, passing false as the second parameter to prevent the function from printing the file contents to the output buffer. We also create a stream context to disable SSL verification by passing ['ssl' => ['verify_peer' => false]] as the third parameter to readfile(). After the download is complete, we rename the downloaded file to the specified destination file path and name using rename(). If any errors occur, we handle them using die().