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weanswertheme UI - Bootstrap 5 Template

How to Manage Login After Logout and Prevent Going Back Advance

By Weanswer (233 Views)

Learn how to effectively manage the login process after a user logs out and prevent them from going back to previously accessed pages,secure user experience for web.

March 12, 2023
weanswertheme UI - Bootstrap 5 Template

Adding Quickblox User via PHP: A Simple Tutorial Intermediate

By Weanswer (220 Views)

Learn how to add Quickblox users using PHP in this simple tutorial. From generating user credentials to authenticating and creating users, this guide covers all.

March 08, 2023
weanswertheme UI - Bootstrap 5 Template

Creating Openfire User with PHP: A Comprehensive Guide Intermediate

By Weanswer (1289 Views)

Openfire is a real-time collaboration server that uses XMPP protocol to enable communication between users. By integrating Openfire with PHP, you can automate.

March 01, 2023