Web Short Forms and Their Full Forms: A Common List
This article provides a comprehensive list of commonly used short forms and their full forms in the world of web development. From HTTP and URL to CSS and FTP.
From HTTP and URL to CSS and FTP, this blog covers all the essential acronyms and abbreviations that you need to know in order to effectively communicate and understand the web development industry. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the meanings behind the technical jargon and be better equipped to collaborate with your peers.
Here are some commonly used web short forms and their full forms:
- AJAX => Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
- API => Application Programming Interface
- ASCII => American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- CMS => Content Management System
- CSS => Cascading Style Sheet
- CGI => Common Gateway Interface
- CLI => Command Line Interface
- DB => DataBase
- DNS => Domain Name System
- DOM => Document Object Model
- FTP => File Transfer Protocol
- GD => Graphics Draw | Gif Draw
- HTML => Hypertext Markup Language
- HTTP => Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- HTTPS => Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
- IP => Internet Protocol
- IIS => Internet Information Services
- JS => JavaScript
- JSON => JavaScript Object Notation
- LAMP => Linux Apache MySQL PHP
- MAMP => Macintosh Apache MySQL PHP
- MIME => Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- OOP => Object Oriented Programming
- PCRE => Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
- PEAR => PHP Extension and Application Repository
- PECL => PHP Extension Community Library
- PHP => Hypertext Preprocessor
- PDO => PHP Data Objects
- POSIX => Portable Operating System Interface
- RegEx => Regular Expression
- REST => Representational State Transfer
- RSS => Really Simple Syndication
- SAPI => Server Application Programming Interface
- SOAP => Simple Object Access Protocol
- SPL => Standard PHP Library
- SMTP => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SQL => Structured Query Language
- INI => INItialization
- SEO => Search Engine Optimization
- PING => Packet InterNet Groper
- SSH => Secure SHell
- SSL => Secure Sockets Layer
- UCS => Universal Character Set
- URI => Uniform Resource Identifier
- URL => Uniform Resource Locator
- UTF => Unicode Transformation Format
- WAMP => Windows Apache MySQL PHP
- WWW => World Wide Web
- XAMPP => X (any of four different operating systems) Apache MySQL PHP & Perl
- XML => eXtensible Markup Language
- XML-RPC=> XML Remote Procedure Call
- XSS => Cross Site Scripting